Image is a smiling man with short hair and glasses, wearing a blue suit jacket, white shirt and red tie.
Prayer Chaplain

I first walked into Unity of North Hollywood in 1990 feeling lost and in need of a safe harbor. I was in my 1st year of recovery and in the middle of a 3 year divorce. Looking back, it’s as if I saw a sign on a chair, that was written in words only I could see. It said “Bill, you are safe. You are not alone. Welcome home.”

My prayers were answered. I believe your prayers will be answered too, because I know that each one of us is far more powerful than any circumstance, situation or condition. As Jesus said, “if only you believe.” I was also a member of Unity of South Bay in 1993 and now Unity of Pasadena in 2022. Please leave a message on Unity of Pasadena Prayer line, 626.577.4209, and I will call you back.
