Our Senior Minister

Rev. Greg Dorst 

Image is a headshot of Senior Minister Greg Dorst wearing a suite and tie and prayer beads.Rev. Greg Dorst J.D., CADC II, brings a wealth of personal, philosophical, legal and business experience to every congregant he serves. Rev. Greg attended Claremont McKenna College and the University of La Verne College of Law. In 1998, Rev. Greg gave up the practice of law and turned his attention toward non-profit work.

Between 2004 and 2011, while working within the business community as a non-profit CEO, Greg obtained his Practitioner and Ministerial Licenses, gaining both a working knowledge and a mystical perspective of the world’s religions. Now, as a corporate healthcare consultant and an Ordained Minister, Rev. Greg brings through his speaking, teaching and his writing, transformational spiritual knowledge and experience to those in need.

The Board of Trustees welcomed Greg as Senior Minister in February, 2022. In March of 2023, he completed the ordination program through Unity Worldwide Ministries.


Click here to see a Message From Greg